New U.S. tailpipe standards are a turning point on The United States and Canada’s EV journey– nevertheless Canada requires to still take the wheel by itself standards

TORONTO– Ekta Bibra, senior policy expert at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in action to the U.S.’s proposed new light duty vehicle requirements:

” With EV sales shattering records worldwide, it’s clear we’re en course to a new electrical age. The new proposed standards from the U.S. program that our closest neighbour, and the world’s second-largest vehicle market, is going all in on this electrical future.

” Undoubtedly, while Canada has really had more effective EV policies than the U.S. to date, the proposed U.S. standards are, in some approaches, a lot more passionate than Canada’s. And because our standards are currently linked to the U.S., the new standards would immediately utilize here too.

” The new American requirements job that 60% of vehicles used by the end of the years would be pure battery-electric, while Canada’s simply recently proposed handled sales targets for zero-emission vehicles include plug-in hybrids in the equivalent 60% sales target. The U.S. standards also provide more strict tailpipe emissions requirements on medium-duty service vehicles (like vans and pickups)– something that Canada has yet to perform.

” While it’s inspiring to see a more unified North American method to electrical transportation, it is necessary that Canada continues to perform– and enhance– its own standards. Required to a future U.S. federal government roll back these tailpipe contamination restrictions (as happened throughout the Trump administration), Canada would lose its EV policy safety belt. Canada is its own country, and it should not be beholden to people in another jurisdiction for its policy options, especially when it may impact Canadians’ access to cost-saving EVs.

” Canada’s own recommended standards, which focus on EV sales rather of tailpipe emissions, also use more policy certainty while still offering cars and truck makers a range of courses to eventually reaching 100% EV sales in 2035. Research research study has really exposed that this policy method helps drive down EV price while inspiring carmakers to make a more thorough series of EV styles easily offered to buy. Canada requires to now focus on performing these standards quickly.

” Substantial zero-emission vehicle policies both north and south of the border are a vital part in guaranteeing the market for Canadian-made EVs. Canada’s EV battery supply chain may support as much as 250,000 jobs by 2030 and consist of $48 billion to the Canadian economy annual.

” While the new U.S. standards are absolutely wonderful news for possible EV drivers throughout The United States and Canada, Canada requires to still keep a hand on the wheel to protect our cleaner, cost-saving electrical future.”


  • The proposed U.S. standards comprise a fleet emissions normal requirement which requires that cars and truck makers’ fleets follow substantially strict normal tailpipe emissions. Every year, as the standards wind up being more stiff, cars and truck makers will be needed to use a greater share of zero-emission vehicles within their fleet as that would be the most practical technique to please that year’s fleet emissions balance.
  • The Epa jobs that this would be equivalent to 36% battery-electric sales (not including sales of plug-in hybrids) in 2027, 60% in 2030 and 67% in 2032 (when the standards end). For medium-duty vehicles it is anticipated to be 34% by 2030 and 46% by 2032.
  • Canada’s proposed handled sales targets for zero-emission vehicles would require zero-emission vehicles (including plug-in hybrids), to consist of 60% of vehicle sales by 2030 and 100% by 2035.
  • Transportation consists of a quarter of Canada’s carbon contamination.
  • Quebec, B.C., and California all use regulated zero-emission vehicle sales targets to execute EV sales requirements, all en course to 100% ZEV sales by 2035. Since California enacted its handled zero-emission vehicle sales targets, 15 other states have really done the very same.
  • An existing Tidy Energy Canada study revealed that the bulk (58%) of Canadians are inclined to buy an EV for their next vehicles and truck.
  • A research study commissioned by Transport Canada found that 82% of dealerships didn’t have any ZEVs in stock in March 2022– and those with stock were focused in B.C. and Quebec, the 2 provinces with zero-emission vehicle requireds.
  • A existing analysis by Environmental Defence found that standards to phase out gas automobiles by 2035 would cut EV expenses by 20% as cars and truck makers are needed to use more budget plan friendly styles, rather of just high-end EVs, in order to please their targets.
  • In 2015, Tidy Energy Canada examined a range of popular electrical vehicles and truck styles, comparing their total ownership costs with that of gas equivalents. With just one exception, the electrical variation of every vehicles and truck examined was cheaper, generally considerably so.
  • There are set to be 60 times more Canadians used in EV-related jobs in a net-zero 2050 than in 2025, according to a new Tidy Energy Canada report


Report| The Genuine Cost

White Paper| How Canada Can Style a Truly Effective Zero-Emission Truck Required

Report | Canada’s new Financial Engine

Report| A Turning Point

Submission| Submission on Canada’s proposed modifications to emissions standards on visitor vehicles and light trucks

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