How to set the order in subnodes of a tree structure?

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What is the order of a tree?

The plan or positioning of a tree structure’s nodes and subnodes in relation to one another is described as the tree structure’s “order.” The favored order of each node’s subnodes can be identified by a particular function or quality of each node, such as a number or text.

We can arrange a tree structure’s nodes and subnodes depending upon this home and present them in a significant style that highlights the connections in between nodes by changing the tree structure’s order. This makes it easier to see the connections in between the tree’s nodes and identify any patterns or hierarchies in the information.

How to set the order in a tree?

Subnodes in a tree structure can be set up in any order by defining a quality in each node that represents the favored plan of its subnodes. This particular, which is utilized for contrast, might be either a string or a mathematical worth. As soon as the order quality is defined, an arranging algorithm might be utilized to arrange the subnodes depending upon their order quality. Integrated arranging functions or customized arranging functions that compare the subnodes’ order characteristics can be utilized to achieve the algorithm. The tree structure can be set up and shown in a significant style that reveals the links in between nodes by specifying the order of the subnodes.

Example: To set the order of subnodes in a tree structure, we require to specify a quality in the node item that represents the order of the subnodes. Then, you can utilize an arranging algorithm to arrange the subnodes based upon the order quality.

Method: Follow the listed below actions to set the order in a tree:

  • Specify a node item with a subnode home which contains a range of subnodes. Each subnode item includes a name home and an order home that represents the wanted order of the subnode within the moms and dad node.
  • To arrange the subnodes based upon the order home, we utilize the sort() approach of the variety item, passing in a contrast function that compares the order home of each subnode. This sorts the subnodes in rising order of the order home.
  • Print the arranged subnodes by repeating over the subnode variety and accessing the name home of each subnode.

Here is an example application in JavaScript:


var node = {

name: " Node A",

subnodes: [

    { name: "Node A.2", order: 2 },

    { name: "Node A.3", order: 3 },

    { name: "Node A.1", order: 1 }



node.subnodes.sort( function( a, b) {

return a.order - b.order;

} );

for ( var i = 0; i < < node.subnodes.length; i++) {

console.log( node.subnodes[i] name);


 Node A. 1

Node A. 2 
. Node A. 3

Time Intricacy: O( n * logn)
Auxiliary Area: O( 1 )

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