Drive Date:- 30 August 2022. Bond:- 2 Years
Total Selected Candidates:- 2 {1 Boy, 1 Girl (At least one girl will be definitely selected regardless of the level of technical expertise) }
Round 1 (Online exam): The online exam was divided into 2 sections:
- Part one: Aptitude Test
- Part two: Coding and Technical Questions (11 students selected)
Round 2 (HR Interview round) [15-20 minutes]: First, you will be asked to introduce yourself. Some of the questions that had been asked me are:
- Tell me about yourself.
- I have mentioned my current internship in my introduction so the further discussion was totally on my internship:
- Role in my internship.
- Difference between windows and web apps
- Explain SDLC
- Difference between backend and frontend
- Role in my college project.
- Difference between the group leader and team leader
- Why do you want to join Yamaha?
- How can you see yourself growing in the industry?
(7 students got selected)
Round-3(Tech Interview) [45 minutes]
- First, you will be asked to introduce yourself.
- He asked description of all of my projects.
- Why do I opt to build my project from scratch instead of using the already built library, cross-questioning regarding the same, questions are mentioned below:
- What is Bootstrap?
- What is CSS?
- How API is different from CDN links?
- Operations that can be performed on an API.
- How did I check my API, how does Spotify web API work?
- Different types of APIs are available.
- Some questions about my python project too.
- What is OOPS?
- What are the pillars of OOPS?
- How data hiding is different from abstraction?
- In what language do I code often, then he provided me with the coding question.
- Coding Question:
Input: This is a string Output: String a is this
- DBMS Question: A school has 2 classes, in every class, there are 2 students, and every student has 2 subjects. Create the schema for the problem and told me to write queries for the same.
- Are different types of DBMS available? Tell me the software used in each?
- Difference between SQL and no-SQL?
- What is the OSI model? What is the 7 layers of the OSI model? How does TCP/IP different from OSI?
- Describe the working of each layer.
- What is process scheduling in OS?
- What is the difference between kernel and OS? (2 students selected)
Round 4 (CTO) [10 minutes]
- He didn’t even allow me to introduce myself. He got impressed by my name so I explained the history behind the name.
- He told me to explain my projects?
- What are nodeJs?
- What do you know about Yamaha?
- I explained that I copied from the internet he told me that this is copied from the internet what do I know about the company then I explained my knowledge about Yamaha
- How many members are there in my family? What do they all do?
(2 students got selected)