“I get goosebumps each time I march on Old Trafford”: Ella Toone on her preferred arenas worldwide and taking care of her psychological health on trip

” I believe, for me, it’s got to be Wembley Arena. It blows me away each time I go. The pitch resembles a carpet and it’s the home of English football, so it’s an extremely unique arena for me.”

Ella Toone of England commemorates after scoring their side’s very first objective throughout the UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 last match in between England and Germany at Wembley Arena Getty Images

Where is your preferred location to play football?

” There’s a couple of. I enjoy dipping into Wembley, and at Old Trafford also– it’s the club that I have actually matured supporting, I get goosebumps each time I march on Old Trafford. However I likewise enjoy dipping into the regional football club where I simply utilized to go all the time with my household and my good friends. You can’t beat a regional club.”

How do you take care of your psychological health in between video games?

” I believe it’s truly crucial to take care of your psychological health. It is very important to turn off and not think of football excessive, however make certain that you’re psychologically ready for the next video game. So, I like to go on strolls with the canine, and I likewise have a health club subscription where I enter the swimming pool and health spa and steam bath, so it’s truly good to simply go there and unwind.”

What about when you’re taking a trip for a competition– how do you reset or self care when you’re far from home?

” I believe it’s truly crucial to take care of yourself when you’re away for an extended period of time in competition football. You have actually got to discover things that you delight in doing. So, for me, I like to check out a book when I’m away, and I likewise like to do some colouring in– for me, that’s truly restorative (I attempt to remain in the lines).”

Cala d ´ Hort with Es Vedranell and Es Vedra IslandsIbiza, Balearic Islands, Spain Getty Images

What are the products you never ever take a trip without?

” Oh, that’s a difficult concern! I like to take a book away with me to check out, and my colouring book and pens. All my Charlotte Tilbury comprise and deal with care. I enjoy playing cards and parlor game, so we certainly need to make certain that we load those. I likewise make certain that I load my Nike leggings for healing after video games. They assist when you have actually got DOMs (postponed beginning muscle pain) and assist you recuperate faster.”

Where is your preferred location on the planet?

” For me, it’s Ibiza Even if it restores numerous memories of going every year when I was more youthful with my Nan and Grandad and costs 2 weeks there with them. There’s a great deal of unique memories when I check out now.”

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