WP Engine is a domain specific cloud provider that hosts high performance WordPress infrastructure. This website, Software Engineering Daily, runs on WP Engine. Scaling a domain specific cloud…

How do you know what it’s like to use your product? While you can talk to your users—or mine and analyze data— really understanding that experience is hard….

In “Unity AI Development: A Finite-state Machine Tutorial,” we created a simple stealth game—a modular FSM-based AI. In the game, an enemy agent patrols the gamespace. When it…

Originally published on April 12, 2016. Negotiation is an important skill for software engineers. The salary you negotiate at the beginning of your job could be a difference…

Software touches practically every facet of industry, academia, and government. It is necessary for many human endeavors, from leisure and entertainment to safety and defense to health and…

The appetite for online video content is growing. In one study, 83% of respondents said they prefer to access informational or instructional content via video rather than text…

Mikko Hypponen is the CRO of WithSecure and a principal research Officer at F-Secure. In this interview with our host, Jordi Mon, he discusses the eventful and rocky…

As Log4J and SolarWinds have proven, attacks on the software supply chain are increasingly frequent and devastating to both the private and public sector. The Department of Defense…

Scrum Masters come from all sorts of backgrounds, from development to management. From the responses I see in class, I would guess that the largest percentage of Scrum…

It’s true that Java lost the Android battle to Kotlin, which is now Google’s preferred language and therefore better suited to new mobile apps. But both Kotlin and…